My Travel Experiences

My Trip to San Antonio 

  The Japanese Gardens 

                   By Jassy Jubilee

Okay, so. You wouldn't think of a place like San Antonio having something so culturally alluring and wonderfully ornate as the Japanese Gardens. When, toying around online, I thought about researching what I could possibly do in San Antonio, a somewhat desert, hot, more rural part of Texas, I was kind of stuck. But being the nature lover that I am, I looked into popular nature spots, and this was the first place to come up. You wouldn't have even thought that their was a niche or alcove that could possibly house such a piece of beauty in such a big city. They say a picture says a thousand words, and my photos of the Japanese Gardens definitely do this. 

High above the ground, we climb stone steps overlooking a bounteous waterfall. Koy fish splash and eat their lunch, satisfied, and pay no attention to the onlookers. They are quite familiar with them now. I saunter over a stone bridge, many people surrounding me and blocking my way, just as amazed as i am. I leave my boyfriend behind, in a daze, looking up to the magnificent waterfall. Its almost as if I am in another world, far more unique and tranquil than San Antonio, and even New Orleans, where I am from. I skip up concrete stoney steps, with vines lining the walls to find a ledge a few feet up. Its hot and the sweat trickles off my skin, but i ignore it. The adventurous spirit in me yearns to climb the rock wall up to that small ledge, and sit, fifteen feet in the air, to see a miraculous view of the whole park. "Want to climb it?" I hear Jose say behind me, and a grin brightens my face. I give him my purse and climb up with rushed excitement, and he watches me from below, amused. In the air, I spy a huge triumphant view. 


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