What Does It Mean to Be a Leo?

By Jassy Jubilee
    Most people are surprised to hear my birthday is in mid-August, giving me the zodiac sign 'Leo". They say I do not seem like a Leo because I do not have the 'tenacity', 'ferocity,' or even ego of a Leo. 
    For those of you who do not know what 'Leos' are, or even what a zodiac sign is, let me give you a brief description. Zodiac signs serve as a sort of categorical way to classify people depending on the day and month of birth. There are 12 zodiac signs, one for every month of the year. These 12 signs include Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. The zodiac signs are a fun way of understanding more about people and each other's characteristics, but they are not meant to be a concrete, all-describing explanation. Everyone has different personalities depending on a variety of circumstances like socioeconomic background, family history, and unique life experiences. Zodiac signs just serve as a frame of reference for someone's general identity. For example, one might say that their significant other seems to be two different people sometimes. At times, he/she is cute and lovable, even playful. Other times, he/she is serious and stern. These are two drastically different sides to this particular person. One might say, using the zodiac terminology, "Oh, that's just the Gemini in him/her." This is because Geminis are notorious for having different sides of their personality, and this is why the Gemini symbol is a roman numeral "II" or a pair of twins.  
     Most Leos (my sign)  are stereotyped to be self-absorbed, arrogant, always craving attention. Their symbol is 'the Lion' . We typically have leadership qualities and a knack for bringing people together, two of our most beloved traits by others. I may not be shouting in people's faces demanding attention, but I do draw people near me with a sort of 'light' or 'attraction' as people have previously mentioned to me. I am goofy and funny and ridiculous at times and people like this about me. I may not jump on tables every where I go, extremely extrovert and fun-loving, but I do like to get up and sing karaoke songs every once and a while. I may not be leading warriors into battle like Game of Thrones or winning The Nobel Peace Prize (at the moment), but I do try to live my best life. I have a strong faith, and I have gone through plenty of adversities of my own, always trying to keep my head high and my stance tall in the meantime. Not everyone has to fit the stereotypical 'Leo'. After all, I did not choose the month I was born in! 
    Another reason people may think that I am not the notorious lion sign is because I was born on the Leo-Virgo cusp. This means my birthday was very close to when the 'Virgo' sign begins, just a few days shy. This means, according to zodiac custom, that I have both Leo and Virgo-like traits. Virgos tend to be more quiet and introvert, shy and thoughtful, while Leos are more dominant and outspoken. I find that I exhibit both these kinds of attributes at times. It just depends on my mood. 
    Zodiac signs are categorical symbols that classify each person depending on the month and day they were born. Even though Zodiac signs are not an exact science, they are easy to understand and enjoyable to navigate. Although many people doubt my Leo heritage due to my meek, quiet, compassionate, and thoughtful personality, I have to attest that everyone is different and a sure way to know your true sign is how you feel towards it, no one else. 


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