Accidentally poisoned...Again

 Yesterday, I fell for it. Point is, I'm getting tired. Tired of living in a state and a country that does not respect food allergies nor chooses to recognize them. Are we just ignorant? Does butter have to be in everything? Why is it okay for me to be doggedly sick because of your ignorance? The simple, but rather, complicated solution: I'll cook more. I just got Hello Fresh. The problem is, I am extremely exhausted after work. Being a teacher and an empath means all day my mind is occupied. Being home is finally my time to shut off my brain, to relax, to embrace myself and all things Jassy. Many times this includes a nap for a sense of sensory deprivation, turning off all the lights and closing my the my solitude. Away from the bristling balls of energy that we call kids. How I long to have energy like that again. Most of the time I have so much fatigue. The endless getting up before my natural wake time, the heavy, restless traffic, the honks, the street lights, all the...noise. My body rejects noise. It rejects ignorance and idleness. It rejects people who waste my time...and it most definitely rejects dairy. Damned Dairy. 

Damned Dairy...making my day all about sleep and rest 

Sickness and how to best test this 

Allergy which I loathe. 

Damned Dairy...Looking so attractive in it's buttery goodness. 

It's sweet, soft, mushy chocolate cake. 

It's beautiful cheesy designs. 

It's so easy to find, but so hard to rewind

The choice I made that makes me feel awful.

You are my sin. 

You are my temptation. 

Living in a nation that puts the cow over Jesus (and I'm not talking about India). 

"Drink milk, it'll help your bones."

"You need your vitamin D." 

"Hey, are you talking to me?" I say. "Cuz dairy is the death of me." 

"But cal-ci-um..." 

"And what?" I say. "I'll get it from my vegetables. Milk tastes gross anyway." 

And with that, I drop my mic. I want to live somewhere that respects food allergies and knows that people could DIE. For me I just get a couple hives but...others are way worse off. I feel bad for them. My antihistamine is my best friend. I had to take two today...and pray...I don't want this to affect my Spring Holiday. 



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